Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits to hiring a for-hire content marketer?

Full-time marketing staff cost companies time to hire, onboard and train. They also expect expensive benefits such as salaries, health insurance, retirement plans, office space and resources paid for by the company.

As a marketing free agent, I am brought on when needed and wait in the wings until the next project. Businesses get all the same deliverables as they would employing a full-time content marketer. The company saves time and money that could be spent on other aspects of the business.

How long does it take to receive deliverables?

Based on the size and scope of projects, completion times vary. Expect long-form or multifaceted requests to lengthen durations. During the free consultation, deadlines and expectations will be ironed out and notated in the hiring contract. There is also an option for rush deliveries upon request.

What is the pricing?

Pricing varies depending on the size, turnaround time and parameters of the project. There are also monthly rates for comprehensive marketing packages. For more information, please schedule a free consult by emailing